Erast Zhitaryuk
- City: Chernivtsi
- Начало карьеры: 2021 г.
- Current VEAN artist
- Certified
- Tattoo
- Consultation
- Training consultation
- Cover up
- Correction
- Art Session
- Sketch
- Thresh Polka
- Abstraction
- Graphics
- Lattering
- Blackwork
- Japanese
Nihao, my name is Erastes. I am 19 years old. I was born in the village of Kotelevo. I completed 9 classes at school and transferred to a medical lyceum. Though from childhood I liked to draw. Always went with pencils and papers. I got interested in tattooing when I was 14 and since then started my journey as a ninja)) I like anime cartoons, I'm really high on them. I use mostly red and black colors in my work.
My credo: "People who try to achieve something, and those who do not try, time goes differently.