Volodimir Zuyev
- City: Кам'янець-Подільський
- Начало карьеры: 2022 г.
- Current VEAN artist
- Certified
- Member of the tattoo association
- Татуировка
- Обучение мастеров
- Геометрия
- Леттеринг
- Японский
- Графика
- Блэкворк
- Традишнл
- Нью скул
- Полинезия
- Дотворк
- Треш-полька
- Трайбл
- Олд скул
- Биомеханика
- Реализм
- Нео-традишнл
- Лайнворк
- Минимализм
Hi, my name is Vova and I can be your master.
I am engaged in tattoos since 2010. And as you may have already understood, I found my vocation. My specialty is an artist-restorer. But today I create not only masterpieces on the bodies, but also restore the old partials.
I have been working at VeAn since 2022. I like to learn something new and pass on the knowledge I have. I work in all styles, but my love is graphics and realism.
With the development of society the tattoo industry has become very popular and more and more people are going for tattoos to express themselves, to fix something important for themselves, to remember something. I love connecting with people and getting to know them.
See you at the session!