Dana Yablonskaya
- City: Khmelnytskyi
- Начало карьеры: 2018 г.
- Current VEAN artist
- Certified
- Member of the tattoo association
- Piercing
- Consultation
- Training consultation
- Changing jewelry/ Downsize
- Old School
- Remover removal
- Minimalism
- Graphics
- Lattering
- Geometry
Hi, my name is Dana. And at one point I decided to plunge into the field of tattoos with my whole head. And as of today, I am more than just a tattoo artist. My services include laser removal, remover removal, and master training. That's right. For me development is above all and I want to achieve success in all areas of the tattoo industry. My current styles are minimalist, graphic, old school, lettering and geometric, but I plan to master the Japanese style, realism and watercolor.
Come to me, we will develop together)