Holodiuk Serhii
- City: Khmelnytskyi
- Начало карьеры: 2019 г.
- Current VEAN artist
- Tattoo
- Consultation
- Training consultation
- Correction
- Art Session
- Sketch
- Realism
- Linework
- Old School
- Calligraphy
- Freehand
- Black and White
- Minimalism
- Graphics
- Blackwork
- Polynesia
I’m Serоzha, a cheerful and ambitious guy who loves what I do. I’m a tattoo artist with extensive experience, always striving for perfection and innovation.
My work is not just about applying drawings to the skin; it’s about creating true works of art that reflect the personality and story of each client.
I pour my heart into every tattoo and strive to make it unique and one-of-a-kind. I’m always open to new ideas and ready to help bring the boldest and most creative concepts to life. Thank you for your attention!