Kateryna Kravchenko
- City: Kropyvnytsky
- Начало карьеры: 2021 г.
- Current VEAN artist
- Certified
- Member of the tattoo association
- Tattoo
- Consultation
- Correction
- Sketch
- Realism
- Linework
- Old School
- Thresh Polka
- Dotwork
- Tribal
- Minimalism
- Graphics
- Traditional
- Neo-Traditional
- Chicano
- Polynesia
I have always loved to draw. In my school days, my friends used to walk around with colored tattoos drawn with pens and felt-tip pens. Even then I knew that I wanted to realize myself in the field of tattoos. In my work I like to create, to realize their desires and dreams, to give memories or perhaps tainaim special meaning in the form of tattoos on the body. I chose the VEAN tattoo studio chain because I have never met such a friendly team, warm welcome and pleasant atmosphere.