
Denis Vishnevsky

  • City: Lviv "New"
  • Career start: 2021 y.
  • Current VEAN artist
Rating: 5 (25)
  • Certified
  • Удаление ремувером
  • Лазерное удаление
  • Обучение мастеров
  • Удаление татуировки
  • Удаление татуажа

Hello, everybody. My name is Vishnevsky Denis.

I am a master of tattoo removal, part-time piercer.

After visiting VeAn tattoo studio, I realized that I want to do exclusively this activity. I was impressed by our company's brand range from merch to supplies. And I wanted to be trained.

Now I work in the best network of studios VeAn and very grateful to the team for the experience.

In my arsenal is quite a variety of punctures. Come see me and we'll find you a style in which you'll look unique.

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