Yulya Ageyeva
- City: Lviv "New"
- Career start: 2022
- Cooperation with artist has been terminated
- Пирсинг
- Лазерное удаление
- Обучение мастеров
- Дейт
- Индастриал
- Трагус
- Септум
- Хеликс
- Медуза
- Монро
- Смайл
- Бридж
- Руук
Not long ago I was an office worker, looking for myself in IT. I graduated from recruiting and HR-manager courses, and today... I'm in this industry. Life has taken a 180-degree turn.
And you know what I want to say? I am satisfied! And for the first time in my life, I get high from my work. But I do not want to stop there, there are still a lot of interesting things to do.
I found not only the inspiration to self-development, but also charming colleagues who inspire me with their experience and creativity.