Victoria Metel
- City: Melitopol
- Начало карьеры: 2019 г.
- Current VEAN artist
- Certified
- Member of the tattoo association
- Лазерное удаление
- Удаление ремувером
- Обучение мастеров
- Удаление татуировки лазером
Hello everyone, my name is Victoria. I have been working as an administrator at VeAn Studio since 2018. I decided to become an administrator because I like communicating with people. All this time I have been observing the work of our masters. I was very fascinated by their processes and decided to try myself in a new field. And as this craft I chose tattoo removal. I like to give my clients the feeling of joy that their hated partak is gone.
Come to our studio we will gladly accept you))