Tatyana Hubenko
- City: Нікополь
- Начало карьеры: 2024 г.
- Current VEAN artist
- Tattoo
- Removal
- Remover removal
- Laser removal
- Realism
- Linework
- Remover removal
- Color Realism
- Tribal
- Premium course
- Graphics
Hello everyone! My name is Tatiana, I am a trainee administrator, a beginner tattoo removal artist, and a tattoo artist. I started my journey in the tattoo world at the studio on August 5, 2024, and from the very first days, I was captivated by the work process and the creative atmosphere. I am in love with the opportunities the studio offers: to express myself, develop my skills, and grow in my career. It’s important for me to help every client feel confident on their journey towards the changes they choose. I am ready to learn, develop, and support everyone who comes to us for inspiration!