Maksim Shadjuk
- City: Рівне
- Career start: 2018
- Cooperation with artist has been terminated
- Certified
- Member of the tattoo association
- Татуировка
- Обучение мастеров
- Разработка эскизов
- Геометрия
- Леттеринг
- Графика
- Японский
- Блэкворк
- Традишнл
- Треш-полька
- Реализм
- Лайнворк
- Нью скул
My name is Maxim. I am 21. I am engaged in tattoos since 2018. I chose the direction of black and white tattoo, namely realism. Because I fell in love with this style.
For me, tattooing is both a job and a hobby. While working, I forget about everything else and completely dissolve in the process.
VeAn gives me the impetus to become even better, to develop, to learn. That's why I'm glad I can make my dreams come true here, and most importantly, my client's dreams come true!