Oksana Starushko
- City: Рівне
- Начало карьеры: 2021 г.
- Current VEAN artist
- Sketch
- Consultation
- Sketch
- Art Session
- Training consultation
- Cover up
- Master training
- Tattoo
- Correction
- Realism
- Linework
- Old School
- Whip Shading
- Thresh Polka
- Dotwork
- Black and Grey
- Basic course
- Color Realism
- Tribal
- Calligraphy
- Gravure
- Freehand
- Premium course
- Abstraction
- Scandinavia
- Art Session
- Sketch
- Black and White
- Minimalism
- Graphics
- Traditional
- Lattering
- Blackwork
- Greywash
- Botanical
- Geometry
- Watercolor
- Neo-Traditional
- Chicano
- Ornamental
- Polynesia
- Japanese
- Microrealism
- New Skool
- Neo-Tribble
Hi, my name is Xenia. All my life was fond of drawing. I have an art education so well versed in composition, drawing, anatomy and td. Since adolescence dreamed of becoming a tattoo master, later my dream came true. I work in different styles and draw author's sketches, always for creativity and individuality, so I am not waiting for sessions.