Pavlo Fast
- City: Рівне
- Начало карьеры: 2022 г.
- Cooperation with artist has been terminated
- Certified
- Member of the tattoo association
- Татуировка
- Лазерное удаление
- Разработка эскизов
- Обучение мастеров
- Геометрия
- Блэкворк
- Леттеринг
- Графика
- Традишнл
- Полинезия
- Дотворк
- Треш-полька
- Трайбл
- Олд скул
- Лайнворк
- Минимализм
Hi, my name is Pasha and since childhood I adore to draw, but as it happens in adulthood, my work with creativity was not connected. And in the end, having plucked up courage, I firmly decided for myself that I simply must at least try myself as a tattoo artist and ii... I got sucked in)
For some, it's: "tags", "what will you be like in your old age?", "you should have had it done on your forehead".
But for me, it's a way to express myself or leave a memory of some event, person, moment.
So I'd be happy to help you turn an idea into reality. Just sign up for a session with me😉