Denys Nikoliuk
- City: Вінниця
- Начало карьеры: 2022 г.
- Current VEAN artist
- Tattoo
- Consultation
- Correction
- Sketch
- Sketch
- Old School
- Minimalism
- Graphics
Good day to everyone! My name is Denys, and I’m a tattoo artist. I’ve been working in this field for over two years. I prefer to work in styles such as graphic, minimalism, old school, and whip shading.
I chose this field because it’s the only thing that brings me satisfaction, allows me to express myself as a creative person, and gives me the opportunity to change the approach to working with clients.
My hobby is my work as a tattoo artist, which is why it brings me so much joy. Book a session with me! I will be happy to help bring your idea to life and will do it with the highest quality!
Sincerely, your tattoo artist Denys.