Zlata Kunickaja
- City: Дніпро White
- Начало карьеры: 2017 г.
- Current VEAN artist
- Certified
- Member of the tattoo association
- Removal
- Piercing
- Consultation
- Training consultation
- Changing jewelry/ Downsize
- Tongue
- Nose
- Microdermal
- Smile
- Tragus
- Industrial
- Nipple
- Cartilage
- Septum
- Lip
- Navel
- Bridge
- Freneulum
- Eyebrow
- Ears
- Lobe
- Children's ears
- Minimalism
My name is Zlata. In 2017 I discovered piercings. I started with ear piercings (earlobes, different types of cartilage), and then added other body piercings. At the moment I'm working in the studio of VEAN TATTOO White in Dnipro. The field is very interesting, as it gives a constant development. I work only with titanium jewelry.
I am also a tattoo removal specialist. If you have old tattoos that are no longer pleasing to the eye, I will help you get rid of them.