
Oleksadr Statsenko

  • City: Zaporizhja Black
  • Career start: 2023-07-17
  • Current VEAN artist
Rating: 5 (20)
  • Consultation
  • Cover up
  • Correction
  • Tattoo
  • Linework
  • Graphics
  • Old School
  • Watercolor
  • Neo-Traditional
  • Thresh Polka

Hello everyone, my name is Oleksandr, I am a tattoo artist, and I am very happy to have joined the VEAN TATTOO team. This opportunity allows me to grow in this field and bring joy to my clients with beautiful tattoos.

I spend my free time with friends and family, and on self-development—what would we do without it today?

I look forward to helping you make your dream come true, see you at the session!)

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