Permanent Makeup Training
in Dubno
One of the most popular and highly paid services in the world is permanent makeup, which can be done in a prestigious studio.
You can get permanent makeup training in Dubno in one of the "VeAn" studios and become a professional artist by joining a team of real experts and get a job in one of our studios.
This service is of interest to all women who always strive to look attractive, even in the most difficult conditions. Prices for high-quality decorative cosmetics are always high, and permanent makeup provides many benefits: saving time and money on the use of decorative cosmetics, as well as the ability to always remain attractive without worrying about eaten lipstick and floating arrows.

You should try if…
If you are young, ambitious, sociable, have great taste and are interested in makeup fashion trends, then now is a great time to try something new and take a permanent makeup course in Dubno.
Currently, artists who have this specialty are in great demand, and their services are paid quite adequately.
In addition, other aspects are also important in the work, such as creativity, an individual approach to each client and a flexible work schedule. A feature of the learning process will be its richness and efficiency. You will be provided with a tool, and after a few lessons you will be able to take your first professional steps under the supervision of an experienced mentor. After successfully passing the exam, you will be given a diploma, which will open up opportunities for you to take a worthy place in the VeAn team or think about creating your own studio.

What will you learn
during the course?
Usually, a permanent makeup course in Dubno consists of 10-12 lessons and includes both theoretical and practical training.
In half of the classes, students study theoretical aspects, including the following topics:
- Historical development of the permanent makeup concept.
- Ways to sterilize instruments, selection and use of sterilizing agents.
- Norms of sanitation when applying permanent makeup.
- Maintaining documentation and rules for registration of agreements.
- Workplace equipment and equipment decontamination rules.
- Various types of working equipment.
- The use of anesthetics, the dosage of anesthetics and contraindications to their use.
- Restrictions on the application of permanent makeup.
- The study of the structure of the skin, skin types and features of working with each of them.
- Fundamentals of color and make-up.
- Face shapes and asymmetry correction rules.
- Psychological aspects of communication with clients.

What do you need to get trained?
In order to get training in permanent makeup in Dubno, you need to contact us for a free consultation about training, certification and employment opportunities.
Our artist tutors will help you choose the right course and tell you in detail about the specifics of each of them. You don't have to worry about starting from scratch, because the basic course will allow you to gain qualifications, theoretical knowledge and practical skills, as well as create a small portfolio of work under the guidance of a tutor.
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