Permanent makeup training course in Kyiv
Permanent makeup training courses for training tattoo specialists are gaining popularity.
First of all, it is due to high demand and prestige value of this profession. You will not be bored if you have decided to dedicate your life to this art. The point is that this is a creative and interesting activity. Do not forget about salary. Working in a premium parlor as a qualified tattoo artist, you can significantly increase your budget. The need for good specialists is growing year by year. Our task is to bring up real professionals. Permanent makeup training course from the studio “VeAn” in Kyiv offers you great opportunities for future development, because we have everything you need:
- Personal approach;
- Qualified teachers;
- Vast experience.
In the course of training, you will acquire all the useful theoretical and practical knowledge that will create the necessary base for further independent work. Students sharpen their skill with the help of on special mannequins. This allows mastering skills in practice and gaining the necessary experience. We give you the necessary knowledge, skills and basi

Features of the training course
Our experienced teachers will reveal the following questions, and share all the secrets of permanent makeup.
- What is permanent makeup. Correction of all natural facial defects. All issues related to the technologies of this process are considered. You will find out many interesting facts about facial zones and makeup techniques. You will learn how to determine the most suitable method of makeup depending on particular case.
- Procedure room. Layout of workspace. Equipment. It is very important that your workspace should meet all the necessary standards and requirements, as this affects the quality of working process. You will study how to ensure the safety of clients and specifically you.
- Disinfection of a procedure room, equipment, tools. How does sterilization equipment and disinfectants works.
- Working with tools for permanent makeup during the training course. Comparison of existing characteristics and indicators. At this stage, selecting the most optimal option takes place, which means a reasonable price/quality ratio.
- Medical side of the issue. All about skin types, its structure, the mechanisms of its destruction and restoring. Contraindications and possible allergic reactions.
- Contraindications to anesthesia, depending on individual reactions of client's body. Skin care after the procedure. It is important to learn how to give recommendations on further skin care after the procedure.
- We organize lessons on how to communicate with clients, how to give competent and extensive consultation.
- Initial and professional basics of makeup. Examples of existing face types. A briefing on the color theory and coloristics. Basics of correction of separate face zones.
- Inks and pigments, its composition and application rules. How a particular pigment should look like after entering the skin. This lesson is practical and implies independent work of a student. Experienced instructor controls the process and help, in necessary.
- Fundamental differences between decorative and natural permanent makeup. Features and distinctive characteristics of both methods, comparison, advantages and disadvantages.
- Full description of the procedure, according to hygiene rules and safety standards.
- Classification of tattoo needles.
- Overview of available techniques of permanent makeup for lips, eyelids or eyebrows. Medium blending, maximum filling of the skin area with color.
Undoubtedly, all the above mentioned points are significant. Our skilled teachers, who have trained many professional tattoo artists, will share all the secrets of this amazing craft. Permanent makeup training course from the tattoo studio “VeAn” in Kyiv is a guarantee of high quality education. What’s most important is your desire.