вул. Соборна, 56
Opening date: Jan. 4, 2019
Mon-Sun 11:00 19:00
Benefits of training
Choose the right training course
2 теории + 4 практики Базовый 6 занятий от 8000 грн
* Цена может варьироваться в зависимости от выбранного города
  • Принципы проведения процедуры
  • Стерилизация и инфекционный контроль
  • Оборудование для пирсинга
  • Уход за пирсингом
  • Подбор и разновидность украшений
  • Демонстрация пирсинга на моделях
  • Практика - отработка на моделях
  • Обучение проколам: мочки, хеликс, бровь, пуп, крыло носа
  • ПЛЮСЫ:
  • Заключаем договор
  • Диплом с пометкой “Базовый Курс”
  • Методичка по обучению
  • Расходник и оборудование на время обучения включены в стоимость
  • Минимум 3 модели и 3 работы в портфолио
  • Возможность приобрести Европейскую лицензию
4 теории + 6 практики Стандарт 10 занятий от 12000 грн
* Цена может варьироваться в зависимости от выбранного города
  • Принципы проведения процедуры
  • Стерилизация и инфекционный контроль
  • Оборудование для пирсинга
  • Уход за пирсингом
  • Подбор и разновидность украшений
  • Практика - отработка на моделях
  • Демонстрация пирсинга на моделях
  • Осложнения и лечение в пирсинге
  • Обучение проколам: мочки, хеликс, бровь, пуп, крыло носа, септум, смайл, трагус, индастриал, язык, губы (монро, медуза)
  • ПЛЮСЫ:
  • Договор об обучении
  • Помощь в покупке оборудования со скидкой
  • Методичка по обучению
  • Обучение сложным проколам
  • Возможность трудоустройства
  • Диплом мастера
  • Минимум 8 моделей и 8 работ в портфолио
  • Расходник и оборудование на время обучения включены в стоимость
  • Возможность приобрести Европейскую лицензию
4 теории + 8 практики Премиум 12 занятий от 17000 грн
* Цена может варьироваться в зависимости от выбранного города
  • Принципы проведения процедуры
  • Стерилизация и инфекционный контроль
  • Асептика и антисептика
  • Оборудование для пирсинга
  • Уход за пирсингом
  • Подбор и разновидность украшений
  • Практика - отработка на моделях
  • Демонстрация пирсинга на моделях
  • Осложнения и лечение в пирсинге
  • мочки, хеликс, бровь, пуп, крыло носа, септум, смайл, трагус, индастриал, язык, губы (монро, медуза), соски, дейт, руук, бридж
  • Отработка на муляжах
  • ПЛЮСЫ:
  • Приоритет в трудоустройстве
  • Помощь в покупке оборудования
  • Договор на обучение
  • Обучение всем видам пирсинга
  • Диплом с пометкой о прохождении расширенного курса
  • Минимум 12 моделей и 12 работ в портфолио
  • Расходник и оборудование на время обучения включены в стоимость
  • Возможность приобрести Европейскую лицензию
4 теории + 8 практики VIP - курс Аккредитованный курс
  • получи Европейскую лицензию
  • и получи подарок "Стартовый набор мастера"
  • Принципы проведения процедуры
  • Стерилизация и инфекционный контроль
  • Асептика и антисептика
  • Оборудование для пирсинга
  • Уход за пирсингом
  • Подбор и разновидность украшений
  • Практика - отработка на моделях
  • Демонстрация пирсинга на моделях
  • Осложнения и лечение в пирсинге
  • мочки, хеликс, бровь, пуп, крыло носа, септум, смайл, трагус, индастриал, язык, губы (монро, медуза), соски, дейт, руук, бридж
  • Отработка на муляжах
  • ПЛЮСЫ:
  • Приоритет в трудоустройстве
  • Помощь в покупке оборудования
  • Договор на обучение
  • Обучение всем видам пирсинга
  • Диплом с пометкой о прохождении расширенного курса
  • Минимум 12 моделей и 12 работ в портфолио
  • Расходник и оборудование на время обучения включены в стоимость
Elements of a diploma

Many tattoo studios create their own certificates for their students, which do not hold official status. The VEAN company certificate is a document recognized and validated in many countries worldwide, with the option to verify its authenticity. It is important to emphasize that training is conducted exclusively offline, as the art of tattooing requires not only theoretical knowledge but also practical skills that can only be gained under the supervision of experienced mentors.

  1. Security hologram
  2. Signature of the director, manager of the tattoo studio in which the student was trained
  3. Date of issue of the certificate and its individual serial number
  4. Printing a network of tattoo studios conducting courses and a photo of a student
  5. A site where you can request the authentication of the artist certificate and international certification
  6. Seal of the Tattoo Association of Europe


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Piercing training course in Rivne

Body piercing is a very popular current trend.

Recently, this trend has become very fashionable and wide spread. Piercing artists who can safely make accurate decorative perforations are in great demand. We offer highly effective piercing training course in Rivne, which help you to become a real master of piercing.

It should be noted that this profession is highly demanded and well-paid. In addition, you will never be bored during the work. Work with customers, communication with them is very interesting. Without exaggeration, this activity can be called creative.

Piercing training course in Rivne

Information about us

All teachers and consultants who cooperate with us are experienced professionals and have experience of working abroad.

According to the training course plan, students will gain knowledge and skills in the shortest possible time. A store of knowledge that you receive will remain with you forever. This is a profitable investment in your future. You get a prestigious qualification that will give you an opportunity to get a job in any tattoo parlor. It is necessary to focus attention on the fact that theoretical knowledge is reinforced by practical training, which takes place under the guidance of experienced instructors.

Our teachers will share with you their knowledge and experience. We use special mannequins for tests and practical exercises. Our experienced staff will point out the existing shortcomings of your technique and teach how to work correctly. The main task of the instructors is the correction and sharpening of your knowledge and skills.

Information about us
Information about us

The training program

A specially designed program, which is approved by the health association and other experts in the field of body modification, is an effective and consistent educational plan.

Throughout the lectures, important questions will be considered. Several lessons are devoted to determination of suitable zones for piercing and rules of wearing piercings.

  1. Lips. Student will study all the nuances and principles of lip piercing. Lips are quite interesting area for wearing earrings and other accessories. However, some masters put in question the aesthetic side of this question. The fact is that saliva can leak through a piercing hole, if the perforation was made improperly. Just as a future specialist, you should know that the healing process of this area is rather slow and painful.
  2. Ears. Ear piercing sounds certainly trite, but it is still in trend. If we take into account the fact that now there is a wide range of earrings and other accessories, piercing of an ear zone does not lose its relevance. However, despite the triviality of this piercing type, this is a rather demanding task for novice piercing artist to perform a puncture correctly. There are many vital nodes and points in ears. That is why this operation should be carried out properly and careful.
  3. Nose. More specifically, ear wings and the middle part are often decorated with various earrings and studs. This is a very painful procedure, no doubt. The program of training course includes lessons for practicing the exact technology of nose piercing. Practice is the only way to master this art.
  4. Eyebrows. The most popular area is the corner of eyebrow, closer to the temporal lobe. The task is complicated by the physical proximity of eye organs, which cannot be damaged.
  5. In addition to the above options, the training course implies extra training on intimate piercing. This is a separate course, available for studying.

The training program covers the following important points:

  • Requirements for the workplace;
  • Review and comparison of working equipment;
  • Rules of sterilization and basics of safety;
  • Permission documentation and much more.

We are happy to share with you our knowledge and pass on our work skills. We look forward to seeing you for mutual cooperation.



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